piatok 7. októbra 2011

Slovak students were discussing Nobel Peace Prize

The Nobel Peace Prize
“The said interest shall be divided into five equal parts, which shall be apportioned as follows: /- - -/ one part to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses.”
(Excerpt from the will of Alfred Nobel)
Alfred Nobel was interested in social issues. He developed a special engagement in the peace movement. An important factor in Nobel’s interest in peace was his acquaintance with Bertha von Suttner. Perhaps his interest in peace was also due to the use of his inventions in warfare and assassination attempts? Peace was the fifth and final prize area that Nobel mentioned in his will.
Henry Dunant, founder of the Red Cross, shared the first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 with Frédéric Passy, a leading international pacifist of the time. In addition to humanitarian efforts and peace movements, the Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded for work in a wide range of fields including advocacy of human rights, mediation of international conflicts, and arms control.
The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded by a committee of five persons who are chosen by the Norwegian Storting (Parliament of Norway), Oslo, Norway.

štvrtok 6. októbra 2011

Peace rhymes and prayers - read at workshop about peace in Romania

When peace came,
I showered under streaming light
– Silent, settling –
Effectuating over all –
The reassurance drunk
From Mother Nature’s breast.

And rays channeled through
The greys of ancient gloom
That paste the hopelessness of
Dying on the battlefield or

The losing out upon a risk
In love;

Byes to precious life
(A husband, child, a wife):

Or failure:
Crashed careers; bleak depression,
The fallen – ruined, spurned –
Covered in veneers of rasping blight.

When peace came, a gate begged
A gentle path inviting me to
Stroll through verdant fields of spring,
Bristling with a bouncing life
Of colour; flowers cheering to
The air ‘We have a chance in nature! ’

When peace came, my addled head was
Reconciling, airing, ringing true –
The sense of crushing pressure dead;
Instead, I flamed a faith anew!

When peace came, I saw our youth
Inside a multicultural womb; our
Death was pointing to a proud
And glorious tomb engraved with words of
Freedom for the soul that was when
Once a body whence it thrived.

When peace came, there happened you –
A fragrance dancing ‘gainst a new and
Frightened innocence of beauty
– Eyes ready; slender arms of care –
A tender skin to be caressed.

And we were blessed by starting fresh
In rhythms of pervading warmth;

Path Of Peace
By Paul Mc Cann

Peace is an easy path to tread
Peace is where our fears are mislaid
Peace is beginning to restore
Peace for each man, woman and child
Peace for the troubled streets gone wild
Peace is for the old and the young
Peace in the end will overcome
Peace builds trust into a lifestyle
Peace is a friendly open hand
Peace is a place to understand
Peace in the end will overcome
Peace is for the old and the young
Peace is a legacy to leave
Peace is when we don't have to grieve
Peace is and end to all the hate
Peace is why we negotiate
Peace for all the victims of war

All We Want Is Peace (Please)

Peace, Peace, Please,
Please, Peace, Please,

There’s something we should do
That’s not been done
Something we can win
That’s not been won
Something we can SHOUT OUT
To end all their brutal war games
We Want Peace

Case for war was fake,
Don’t let it fade
More lives can be saved
Got to be brave
Something we can shout out,
We want peace, and we want it right now
Talking is Free

All we want is Peace
All we need is Peace
All we ask is Peace, Please
Peace is all we want

All we crave is Peace
All we miss is Peace
All we lack is Peace
Peace is all we want

Something we can ask,
Before it’s blown
Something we can grow
Before it’s grown
Small green shoots of Peace
To educate next infancy
Believe me

All we want is Peace
All we crave is Peace
All we wish is Peace, please

Peace is all we ask
It’s not a big task
Believe me
It’s easy.

All we want is Peace, All we want is Peace,
All we need is Peace, All we need is Peace.
Peace is all we want,
Peace is all we want
Peace is all we need,
Peace is all we need………………

Chain of love and peace

One moment of love and peace,
Several moments of love and peace, it can make.

Several moments of love and peace,
One minute of love and peace, it can make.

One minute of love and peace,
Several minutes of love and peace, it can make.

Several minutes of love and peace,
One hour of love and peace, it can make.

One hour of love and peace,
Several hours of love and peace, it can make.

One hour of love and peace,
Several hours of love and peace, it can make.

Several hours of love and peace,
One day of love and peace, it can make.

One day of love and peace,
Several days of love and peace, it can make.

Several days of love and peace,
One week of love and peace, it can make.

One week of love and peace,
Several weeks of love and peace, it can make.

Several weeks of love and peace,
One month of love and peace, it can make.

One month of love and peace,
Several months of love and peace, it can make.
Several months of love and peace,
One year of love and peace, it can make

One year of love and peace,
Several years of love and peace, it can make

Several years of love and peace,
One life of love and peace, it can make

One life of love and peace,
Several lives of love and peace, it can make

Several lives of love and peace,
One family of love and peace, it can make

One family of love and peace,
Several families of love and peace, it can make

Several families of love and peace,
One village of love and peace, it can make

One village of love and peace,
Several villages of love and peace, it can make

Several villages of love and peace,
One community of love and peace, it can make

One community of love and peace,
Several communities of love and peace, it can make

Several communities of love and peace,
One country of love and peace, it can make

One country of love and peace,
Several countries of love and peace, it can make

Several countries of love and peace,
One world of love and peace, it can make

One world of love and peace,
One eternity of love and peace, it can make

One moment of love and peace,
One eternity of love and peace, it can make

So, why doesn’t it?
Because this is same for hate and war…

Peaceful Prayers

Let there be peace in the world.
Let us all see peace and not war.
Let us all have peace in the world.
Let all our statesmen know no violence,
Let all love peace with warm vehemence,
Let all be clothed with passionate patience,
Let all respect peace with real reverence.
Let peace pervade every political terrain,
Let peace calm the spirits of every domain,
Let peace be at peace with every reign,
Let each achieve peace with poor pain.
Peace, to you we plead: come to us.
Peace, we entreat you: deign on us.
Peace, we want you: envelope us.
Let our homes be adorned with peace,
Let our streets be paved with peace,
Let our cities be set on a hilltop of peace.
Let peace taint our every thought.
Let there be peace, let peace never cease
Let there be peace, let war forever cease.

Romanians were discussing the issues of inner peace

How do you reach the inner peace?
• PRAYER and faith
• ATTITUDE and positive thinking

Feed your heart with peace. This means to live in peace with yourself. If the heart is full of distrust and selfishness, the head never finds ways to peace. The peace begins where hatred and greed end. The world cannot be changed with violence, but only with the heart.

Feed your heart with peace. This means to breathe quietly. To become one with everything that lives and dies! No more daily wars! End the entire violence inside yourself with gestures of reconciliation.

Feed your heart with peace. This means to meet with respect all that is weak and vulnerable. Be careful to everything that makes you happy. There is no peace in the world, if there is no peace in your heart and mine.
(Phil Bosmans )
By Bianca Hanesi

Prayer for peace
God of our parents, rich in mercy,
Lord of Peace and Life,
Father of all,
You have plans for peace and not for punishment,
You condemn wars and reject the vanity of the violents,
You’ve sent your Son Jesus,
To announce peace to those close and far,
To bring together people of every race and every nation in one family.
Listen the unanimous cry of your children, who beg for mercy for all humanity:
May it never be war, adventure without return,
May it never exist the spiral of battle and violence;
May it never be such wars in the world,
Threats for your creation in heavens, on earth and the sea.
In communion with Maria, Mother of Jesus, we beg you:
Speak to the hearts of those responsible for the nations,
Stop the logic of revenge and that of punishment,
Inspire through Your Holy Spirit new solutions, generous and dignifying gestures,
Spaces for dialogue and patient expectation,
More fertile than the hurried times of war.
Give our time days of peace.
May it never be war!